Minimal Mistakes is a flexible two-column Jekyll theme. Perfect for hosting your personal site, blog, or portfolio on GitHub or self-hosting on your own server. As the name implies — styling is purposely minimalistic to be enhanced and customized by you :smile:.

Notable Features

  • Bundled as a “theme gem” for easier install/upgrading.
  • Compatible with GitHub Pages.
  • Support for Jekyll’s built-in Sass/SCSS preprocessor.
  • Nine different skins (color variations).
  • Several responsive layout options (single, archive index, search, splash, and paginated home page).
  • Optimized for search engines with support for Twitter Cards and Open Graph data
  • Optional header images, [custom sidebars](

Demo Pages

Name Description
[Post with Header Image][header-image-post] A post with a large header image.
[HTML Tags and Formatting Post][html-tags-post] A variety of common markup showing how the theme styles them.
[Syntax Highlighting Post][syntax-post] Post displaying highlighted code.
[Post with a Gallery][gallery-post] A post showing several images wrapped in <figure> elements.
[Sample Collection Page][sample-collection] Single page from a collection.
[Categories Archive][categories-archive] Posts grouped by category.
[Tags Archive][tags-archive] Posts grouped by tag.

For even more demo pages check the [posts archive][year-archive].


Icons + Demo Images:


Minimal Mistakes is designed, developed, and maintained by Michael Rose. Just another boring, tattooed, designer from Buffalo New York.